Lange Structural Group, LLC was established to provide high quality innovative structural engineering services. Our focus is to operate in a manner that glorifies God in all we do. This is the heart of how we manage our employees, serve our clients, handle and design our projects, work with contractors, and ultimately provide the best facility for the owner and end user for the building. This level of service and commitment to excellence is seen in our relationships with everyone along the design and construction phase.
We provide full service consulting and design services on a wide variety of project types. The design engineer’s experience includes, schools, churches, research facilities, residence halls, medical facilities, retail centers, renovations and historical preservation. Projects range from $30 million high-tech research facilities with extreme vibration criteria, to very precise renovation work which requires preservation of the surrounding facility. Our services begin with the conceptual plan, continue through the design phase, shop drawing review, and construction observation.
We have licensed engineers with both their PE and SE license. We also have obtained our Model Law Structural Engineering (MLSE) certificate, which is a nationally recognized certification which allows licensing in nearly all 50 states. We are currently licensed in over 20 states.
We utilize the latest engineering software to provide the highest quality and cost effective design. Our commitment to excellence in service to architects and design coordination has lead us to the use of Revit Structural Suite for the preparation of construction drawings.
Jim Lange, SE
Jim founded Lange Structural Group in 2009, and is the principal engineer. Jim has been with engineering firms in the lincoln area since 1995. Outside of work Jim enjoys volunteering with his church and spending time with his wife and children.
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 1996
States of Licensure
Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, Georgia, Minnesota, New Mexico, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New York, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and North Dakota.
office: 402.421.9540 ext: 101
direct: 402.904.4155
Kyle Burner, PE
Licensed Engineer
After completing his M.S. degree Kyle began working at Lange Structural Group, LLC in 2010. Kyle and his wife spend most of their evenings and weekends chasing their three kids (two human and one dog), or doing home renovation projects
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2008
Masters of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2010
States of Licensure
office: 402.421.9540 ext: 102
direct: 531.510.0075
Aaron Yakel PhD, SE
Licensed Engineer
2014. He is currently a design engineer at Lange Structural Group and has experience in the design of schools, churches, office buildings, advanced building analysis, and building renovations. During his time in academia, including 13 years in several positions at UNL, Aaron was involved in many research projects investigating the behavior and design of structures. This included designing and performing research projects, managing the activities of masters and doctoral researchers, and teaching structural analysis and design classes.
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2009
Masters of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2000
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 1996
States of Licensure
office: 402.421.9540 ext: 103
direct: 531.510.0402
Steven Stauffer
After completing his M.S. degree Steven began working at Lange Structural Group in 2016. Steven is in the midst of taking the Structural engineering licensing exams. This last year Steven and his wife welcomed their second child.
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2014
Masters of Science, Civil Engineering – UNL, 2016
office: 402.421.9540 ext: 104
direct: 531.500.4835